
Camping out in the Living Room

If the cold winter weather keep you from enjoying a wonderful camping trip? Last year I had the time to 20 degrees and pitched in all I can say that I am a rugged camper and can "withstand the elements ... I froze my tookas out.

There is only one solution: to bring home!

Camping Furniture

This trip is a good suggestion for the creation of a camp in your home:

Move the living room furniture aside and set up your tent and camping chairs in the living roomSpace. If you have a very big tent, you will definitely want to pay attention to the ceiling fan. No need to stimulate thought about the plan to stay with the camp is to manage the ever. Woo Hoo!

Sounds like fun and all, but how do we get a fire? Easy! Take a virtual fireplace DVDs on the TV screen to simulate the whole experience a bonfire. I would like to avoid any kind of grilling out anyway. Smores not cook well on TV. If you want to see the stars, you canDVD also take a position on the Discovery Channel and watch the stars in the comfort of your living room ... er ... camping.

If you want to smell the fresh air just crack the door a few windows or patio. Set the heater at a comfortable temperature, and voila, your camping experience inside is in full swing!

As a suggestion, I would like to hunt or fish in your home while trying to avoid. It would be quite the challenge. Good luck!

Turn all the lightsand breaking the dried meat ... It 's time for some ghost stories!

Camping out in the Living Room



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