
RV Furniture Color Theme

When choosing RV furniture, it helps to know the relationship between mood and color. Color, strictly speaking, is the energy of light. Energy reflected from objects. For individuals, the only type of energy that we can actually see and, believe it or not, these colors can affect our mood.

Dr. Max Lescher, a Swiss professor of psychology and the inventor of the color test Lescher, knew the importance of color by prehistoric man, if their lives were completely emergedregulated by day and night, light and dark.

Camping Furniture

Day brings bright, warm colors, with the safe operation, and an increased metabolic rate. Night brings cool, dark tones, with slowed relaxation, danger and failure.

At the end of 1950 found the color researcher Robert Gerard that human beings, both psychological and physical activity increases as the wavelength of light appear. Thus, the brighter the light, active people.

In other words, colors like red,Orange and yellow are the colors most challenging such as green, blue and purple.

He felt the color blue has a therapeutic effect - for example, as a sedative and relaxing in anxious subjects and as a way to reduce blood pressure in the treatment of high blood pressure.

It 'was an experiment to test this theory later. The prisoners were randomly assigned to different wings of the color theme. Some became wings, where the theme was red, some yellow, blue assigned to others, and finallygreen. After some time, it was found that the angle in the wings blue and green, less violence than were those of red and yellow wings.

Pink seems to have a calming effect within minutes of exposure. It seems hostile, aggressive and anxious to suppress the behavior.

To test this theory further, measured medical experts, such as increased blood pressure, pulse and breathing rate for the most part under the yellow light tend to moderately under orange, and less red. They reduce the mostblack, moderately under blue, green, and just below.

In this sense, whether you are careful when picking up the colors of your RV furniture. Below is a guide explained, the colors that bring what they bring on moods.

Red - Connected to: vitality, energy, courage
Physical effects: Stimulates brain activity, increases heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, gives energy and confidence.

Orange - Connected to: happiness, self-confidence
PhysicalEffects: energizes, stimulates appetite and digestion, removes inhibitions and encourages socializing.

Yellow - Connected to: awareness, wisdom, clarity
Physical effects: energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, increases awareness, perception and understanding. also stimulates the appetite.

Green - Connected to: balance, love, peace
Physical effects: Soothing, relaxing mentally and physically, relieves depression, nervousness andFear is a feeling of renewal, self-control and harmony.

Blue - In connection with: knowledge, relaxation, health
Physical effects: Calming, lowers blood pressure and respiration decreases. Ideal for sleeping children and more active. Improved communication and decision-making

Indigo - In association with: intuition, imagination, understanding
Physical effects: Strengthens intuition and imagination, dream, increases the activity. It helps us connect our unconscious mind.

Viola- Connected to: creativity, wisdom, inspiration
Physical effects:
Suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment, relieves tension and is good for migraine. Promotes inner strength, wisdom, kindness, artistic talent and creativity.

Final thought - do you ever imagine how you and your occupants feel and experience when you pick up the color in terms of your RV furniture mobile home.

RV Furniture Color Theme



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