
Camping, hiking and know what foods to eat to keep you excited

If you are in nature in a great camping trip I hope that means you are leaving the confines of the caravan park and a day of hiking, swimming, fishing, climbing, camping, etc. Fitness is a great trip, but like any other activity fitness, your body needs energy to move forward, particularly on the activities of time that your body can not be used.

This is where the food comes into play. Believe it or not ... not all foods the same, even if the calories.

Camping Furniture

ToFor example, the benefits of eating a peanut butter sandwich (on wheat) is completely different to come from eating a piece of chocolate cake. The cake is called empty calories, you get the calories but do not receive health benefits and if you can increase your energy so fast, it will also fall quickly ... and everything will be saved with the extra fat.

Now for camping and outdoor fitness activities for your ... It 'important to eat three times, and I, of course, with the first:

Whatshould you eat before training?

They want us to have food that are absorbed slowly, the energy that you do not tip durable and fast as the example of the cake. Food should be a combination of these three main groups:

* Complex carbohydrates (wholemeal bread, fruit, vegetables)

* Proteins (nuts, meat, beans)

* Fiber

Foods such as: peanut butter sandwich, wrap turkey, walnuts, apples and peanut butter, just to name a few.

What to eat during the activities

The foods that digest easily absorbed and easy to digest. energy gels, drinks and energy bars are great ideas, or trailmix homemade.

Recovery, what to eat when training is in order?

Your body and your muscles are tired and need rest. The magic of muscle recovery foods: protein, protein, and proteins. You can remove a good meal after a long day of carving the field, so that your body will remember too rich from their demand for high quality protein. So what are good protein options? Turkey Burger (here is a great> Camping recipe), grilled chicken, fish, seafood, lean meats, bison, nuts, etc.

When food packaging only in the light of three factors include:
Portability (apples, bananas and other fruits is great), durability and comfort (you can pack, fix it and enjoy it?)

Power Foods me directly by fitness trainer in your mouth:

Whey protein energy bars, energy bars, gels Cliff, rice cakes and peanut butter, almonds, apples and pears, whole wheat bread, water, grilled chickenpotatoes and sweet jerky, aroma and energy cut into cubes.

I recommend drinking a protein shake after every large fitness activities you do. The tug and feed the muscle. This drink is not only boys, and women should have one. Do not worry, you wont bulk up.

For camping, I hope you day is as active as possible, and not just all sit around the fire. Hit the trails and burn some calories, use this time as a time of fitness for you and your group camping.Just be excited!

Camping, hiking and know what foods to eat to keep you excited

Cheap Cold Weather


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